Drop-in Family workshops fall 2016 | Calendar

The drop-in family workshops on Sundays are a regular activities offered at the museum. The themes change every month and on special occasions. The workshops Sundays are always led by an experienced member of staff at the museum. Ticket is 20 NOK in addition to the entrance ticket.

September: 18.09.& 25.09
The topic is “What’s up in the magic forest?” and we’ll be making sculptures out of self-drying clay.

October: 02.10, 09.10., 16.10., 23.10. & 30.10.
Collage-workshop with the theme: ‘instruments and music.

November: 06.11., 13.11., 20.11. &27.11.
We create ‘drums with geometric patterns.

December: 04.12 & 11.12.
We create christmas decoration.





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